
About Me

Siri Briggs Brown is a globally influential educator, researcher, and passionate Black/African American culture advocate. With extensive academic experience and a strong commitment to social justice, racial equality, and women's empowerment, Dr. Brown has made significant contributions to African American Studies and Ethnic Studies. Her remarkable career spans teaching, research, cultural immersion, and community leadership, establishing her as a prominent figure in the field. Inspired by her trailblazing grandmother and driven by her dedication to creating learning experiences that last a lifetime, Dr. Brown has impacted the lives of countless students and communities worldwide.

Dr. Brown's journey is rooted in the legacy of her great-great-grandmother, Lula Glaspie Chatham, a pioneering midwife from Carthage, TX. Chatham, who defied racial and gender discrimination to assist white and Black women in home births, instilled in Dr. Brown a deep sense of social justice and the importance of empowering women. Driven by this inspiration, she has dedicated her career to advancing the causes of racial equality, women's rights, and community development. Dr. Brown is the proud mother of two sons, both graduates of prestigious HBCUs—Howard and Hampton Universities.

Professional Accomplishments

Dr. Brown's career is marked by numerous outstanding accomplishments, reflecting her dedication to education and community service:

  • Over 20 years of teaching experience as a tenured faculty member in African American Studies at Merritt College and as a part-time instructor in Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley.
  • Former Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Student Support Services at Peralta Community College, where she played a key role in shaping academic programs and supporting student success.
  • Chairperson of the Ethnic Studies and Social Studies Department, demonstrating her leadership and commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in education.
  • Established two Africana Studies Centers at Merritt College and McClymonds High School, offering an innovative and interactive digital curriculum focused on African and African American history. These centres serve as platforms for learning and community engagement.

As the CEO and owner of Global Academics for over 15 years, Siri Briggs Brown has facilitated cultural immersion experiences for equity-based organizations and students. Recognizing the transformative power of firsthand exposure to African culture, she has organized cultural immersion tours to overseas destinations rich in African heritage. Dr. Brown's profound understanding of Black history and her passion for the Black/African experience have inspired community leaders, scholars, and visionary artists worldwide to collaborate with her in developing educational immersion tour itineraries. By immersing travellers in the culture and engaging them in discussions about history, people, and the diverse richness of the Black experience, Dr. Brown aims to create educational experiences that resonate for a lifetime.

Awards and Grants

Dr. Brown's exceptional contributions and leadership have earned her recognition through various awards and grants. Some notable honours she has received include the Merritt College Outstanding Achievement Award, Chancellor's Achievement Award, and the OUSD State of Black Education award. She has secured significant funding through grants and corporate partnerships, enabling her to implement impactful initiatives such as the Africana Studies Community Research Center and the annual Merritt College Study Abroad Program.

Upcoming Events

Dr. Brown's forthcoming project, "Global Academics Black Girls: Race, Gender, Power, and Global Education Summer Institute 2023," exemplifies her commitment to empowering young Black women. Through a grant, she will lead 15 recent graduates from the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) in the Global Education Summer Institute. This program will include leadership development workshops focusing on Black Girl Power, gender, and race. The participants will also embark on an immersion trip to Salvador Bahia, Brazil, and collaborate on implementing a social justice program of their choosing in Oakland, CA.

Hobbies and Leisure Activities

Beyond her professional endeavours, Dr. Brown cherishes her leisure time, engaging in activities that enhance her well-being and enrich her understanding of culture and history. She remains an avid tennis player, finding joy and relaxation on the court. Reading history books allows her to deepen her knowledge and stay connected to her academic interests. Dr. Brown also enjoys visiting art galleries and museums, appreciating the artistic expressions that reflect diverse cultures. Travelling to the Caribbean, Africa, and Latin America remains a cherished passion for Siri Briggs Brown, as it allows her to merge personally with Black and African American culture, gaining new perspectives on her heritage and sharing those experiences with underserved African American students.

Dr. Brown's remarkable contributions as an educator, researcher, and advocate of Black/African American culture have left an indelible impact on academia, communities, and the lives of countless students. Her dedication to social justice, racial equality, and women's empowerment is evident throughout her extensive career and leadership in African American Studies and Ethnic Studies. Through Global Academics, Dr. Brown has redefined cultural education by providing immersive travel experiences that foster an understanding and appreciation of the Black experience. Her numerous awards, grants, and upcoming projects further illustrate her profound influence on education and community development. Dr. Brown's commitment to lifelong learning, her dedication to empowering Black women, and her passion for cultural exploration inspire all who strive for a more inclusive and equitable society.


Siri Briggs Brown - Portfolio